How to store vintage wines and not ruin them

Were you given an vintage wine for your birthday? Perhaps even the same age as you? Or have you bought wine suitable for archiving? Maybe you’re now wondering how to treat it. It’s simple – keep on archiving it. Don’t worry if you don’t know how. With our hints and tips, you’ll soon master the art.
6 simple rules on how to properly archive wines
1. It’s all about the temperature
Not only while serving wine does temperature play an important role. The room where your vintage wine is kept should have a temperature of 10–15 °C. Wine doesn’t like extremes. When it’s cold it can lose its aroma. On the other hand, while kept in a hot environment its aroma can become too aggressive. Additionally, the temperature in your storage room should be more or less constant and not fluctuate. But worry not, you don’t have to drop everything and run and buy a small castle where your wine would be kept nice and cosy. While storing wine in your house, look for a room with constant temperature, even if it’s warmer than the temperature suggested.
2. Horizontal position
Vintage wines like to relax and lie down, purely for practical reasons, however. While horizontal the cork is soaked at all times which is the key factor in maintaining its elasticity. Should the cork dry out it would allow for more oxygen to enter the bottle and due to oxidisation the wine could age prematurely or it could even become spoiled. Think of this tip next time you’re about to line your wines standing up in your storage room.
3. Beware of aromatic neighbours
Be careful as corks absorb smells easily. Pay extra attention to where you store your wine. Avoid keeping your wine near aromatic foods and substances. Keep your chemical and cleaning materials in the bathroom. Fruit and vegetables should also be kept well away from your wine bottles.

4. Luxury wines love humidity
The ideal humidity for keeping wine in top shape is between 60 to 70%. That’s about 20% more humidity than is recommended for other rooms in your house. In such humid conditions, your living space would not just be great for wine but for mold and mildew too. Aim for keeping your wine in a cellar if possible or consider buying a wine cooler.
5. Avoid exercise
When wine is archived, small particles settle at the bottom. If you keep handling the bottles, turn them often or move them from place to place those small particles won’t settle. This could cause the wine to lose its characteristic bouquet.
6. Let there be darkness
Vintage wines can be rather capricious. Not only do they not like to move much but they also are not too keen on light. They don’t like sunlight or artificial light. The UV rays contained in light speed up the process of maturing or can cause oxidisation. That’s why your wine will enjoy staying, unlike you, in a cold, dark and humid place.
If you follow these six rules you will give your vintage wine a happy home. And this way you can fearlessly start filling up your own wine cellar with vintage wines. If you don’t know which bottles to choose for your collection, get a recommendation from our sommelier.
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