How do you remove red wine stains?

It’s probably happened to everyone. You’re talking with your friends at a party or you’re holding a family celebration, and you spill some wine. If you’ve only spilled it on a table you can wipe up the little accident quickly. However, it’s more serious if you poured it onto a tablecloth, carpet, or shirt. But don’t worry – we’ll tell you how to remove even dried-up red wine stains.
The sooner you start cleaning a red wine stain, the better the results will be. That’s because red wine very easily soaks into textile fibers and it’s not a good idea to wait until the stain dries. You can even make use of ingredients that you can usually find in your home. What are they?
- salt
- lemon
- white wine
- warm milk
- vinegar
How do you clean red wine stains using salt?
Apply a thick layer of table salt to the fresh red wine stain. It should cover the entire stain so that it can soak up all the moisture and the red color. Leave the salt to work for as long as 20 minutes and then wash the fabric using a normal detergent. Did you spill wine on clothing that can’t be machine washed? It’s still OK. Pour mineral water on the stain and wash the garment by hand.
If the red wine stain is on a carpet, let the salt work for at least an hour. Then vacuum it up and repeat the process. At the end, you can clean the carpet with a cloth dipped in warm water.
How do you remove red wine stains using a lemon?
You can clean red wine stains using a lemon. Just beware, because the acid it contains can damage fabrics’ color. Therefore, only use lemons on white clothing.
The method of cleaning is very simple. Pour (optimally) fresh lemon juice on the stain and let it work for a few minutes. Then rinse the garment in cold water and put it in the washing machine.
You also use a similar procedure for stains on carpets. However, after applying the lemon juice you have to clean the carpet with a damp cloth.
Using white wine to remove red wine
At first glance, this seems like a strange cleaning method, but as soon as you try it, you’ll change your mind. That’s because white wine is made with tartaric acid, which is able to dissolve red wine. Thus, it handles these stains wonderfully.
What you need to do is pour white wine onto the stain and wait a few minutes. Then rinse out the garment and rub it under running water with a little soap. Don’t forget to then put it in the washing machine.
Do the same thing with a carpet. If you spilled red wine onto a small rug, you can wash it. But if the red wine stain is on a large carpet, rub it well with soapy water using a sponge after the wine treatment.
How do you remove dried red wine stains using milk?
If the wine stain on your clothing or carpet has already dried, pour warm milk on it. In both cases, let the milk do its work for several minutes, because it will start to release the pigments in the wine. Rinse your clothing under the a running tap, and then put it into the washing machine. Do the same with a stain on a carpet, and if the carpet cannot be washed, use a cloth dipped into warm water to remove the milk.
Cleaning dried red wine stains using vinegar
Vinegar can also help lift dried stains. Mix three tablespoons of vinegar with three liters of water and soak the stained garment into this solution After a half hour, scrub the stain by hand and then machine-wash the garment.
Try the same vinegar solution on a carpet, and then scrub the stain with soapy water.
Quick first aid for delicate fabrics
- Cashmere – Remove a red wine stain from cashmere using rubbing alcohol. Dip a clean cloth into a little alcohol and rub the stain out.
- Silk – Make a 1:10 solution of ammonia with water. Soak the garment into it and leave it there for about an hour. Then rinse it in cold water and wash it as usual.
- Wool – You can dissolve the stain if you apply a paste of starch and water to it. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes, and then rinse the woolen garment thoroughly in water.
Even though red wine stains are unpleasant, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t drink it. It’s just necessary to use be careful and use moderation. You’ll find some high-quality red wines of various vintages, as well as many other quality wines, in our shop.
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