
5 interesting facts about wine

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Have you ever wondered about the origin of the ritual of clinking glasses, why you ought to treat yourself to a glass of red, and about the connection of wine with a kiss? Today, we’re going to make all the wine fans happy. We’re offering an article with interesting information about wine that you probably never would have guessed.

1. An interesting fact about wine that will make women happy

Why are women often successful sommeliers? Gentlemen, don’t take offense: by comparison with you, women have a genetic advantage. This is because by comparison with men, women have 43 % more cells that process olfactory sensations.

However, women should conscientiously alternate their wine tasting with food because their bodies break alcohol down more slowly

Zajímavost o víně: Jak vzniklo přiťukávání skleničkami?

2. When a toast makes friends: a medieval fact about wine

Have you ever wondered why we clink our glasses to make a toast? This habit, which is present across many cultures, originates in the Middle Ages. In those times, people didn’t mess around when dealing with their enemies. Often when they wanted to get rid of a rival they would resort to poisoning. To show his generosity, a host would fill drinking cups to overflowing. His guests, who might be in fear for their health, would take advantage of this custom. By touching their cups together, the drinks would be mixed – which discouraged poisoners, who would also get a dose of the poison when the wines were mixed. And why do we look directly into another’s eyes when we clink glasses? Here, too, we find an echo of a desire to detect a companion’s dishonest intentions. So: “To your health!” 

What could be better for the occasion of a toast than some bubbles? Take a look at our selection of Champagne wines.

3. Interesting facts about wine from ancient Rome

Did you know that in the time of the Roman Republic women weren’t allowed to drink wine? And not only women: drinking wine was also forbidden to men younger than 30. But, despite the bans, Roman women still drank wine in secret. Their disobedience could be revealed by a kiss from any man in her family. Men were entitled to a kiss from their wives, sister, or nieces by the “ius osculi” – the right to a kiss.

Did you know that …? The ancient Romans diluted their wine with water, most often with sea water. Drinking undiluted wine was considered barbaric.

Today, wine is a significant Italian product. And we can enjoy it no matter what our age or gender. Why not try a Brunello di Montalcino? You can find out what makes Brunello such an exceptional wine in a separate article

4. An interesting fact about Port wine

Has it occurred to you that the discovery of Port wine was significantly aided by a coincidence? In the 17th century, Portugal was the main supplier of wine to Britain. To prevent the wine from spoiling during its long voyage, British merchants began to add brandy into the drink. This preserved the wine – and the original taste they created was a pleasant bonus. 

5. Wine and health? An interesting fact about drinking red

Are you a red wine lover? Then prick up your ears: the antioxidants in red wine reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. But be careful – much depends on the type and quality of the wine. For a positive effect on your health, choose a dry red wine with a lower alcohol content and more tannins. You can enjoy a glass of a wine like this as often as three or four times a week. But before you get started, don’t forget to take a look at our guide to red wines.

Zajímavost o víně: Kvalitní červené víno prospívá zdraví

A small bonus at the end: did you know that some people have a phobia of wine? It’s called oenofobie. However, if you’ve read this far you clearly don’t suffer from a pathological fear of wine – and you’ll appreciate our rich selection of vintage wines.

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