5 applications for every wine lover

Smartphones make our lives easier every day. We use applications to order products, seek out transportation information, and communicate with our loved ones. But did you know there are also clever applications for wine enthusiasts? We’re offering an overview of the ones that will come in handiest.
Velké Bílovice is a village located on the southern side of the Velkopavlovice wine sub-region. Besides its outstanding wine, the largest wine region in the Czech Republic also boasts ideal conditions for travelers. The next time you head out to visit one of its sought-after tourist destinations, download the application created by the association of Velké Bílovice’s winemakers. You’ll find a clearly laid out map and a list of all the wineries in Velké Bílovice. You’ll conveniently find out which wineries are open when you’ll be there, and whether it’s possible to order an organized tasting or accommodation. You can download the application from App Store or Google Play.
Wine Aroma Helper – a wine application for times when inspiration runs out
There’s a simple application for owners of Android phones that serves very well in identifying the aromas of wine. Its categorized list offers an overview of the most common aromas found in wines. If you recognize one of these aromas during a tasting, tap its name in one of the color-coded groups. If the aroma is more intense, tap it twice. A third tap will erase the label. There’s no need to register – you can use the application immediately after downloading it. This application – which was created in a Czech workshop – can be downloaded from Google Play.
Vivino – one of the world’s most popular wine applications
If you’re good at using English-language apps, definitely try the friendly Vivino application. You can easily join the large community of users through your Google or Facebook account. This social network for passionate wine lovers recognizes a bottle by photographs of their labels. All you have to do is aim your telephone at the label, and Vivino takes care of the rest. The application displays information about the category of the given wine, the wine region where it comes from and about the specific varieties of grapes it’s made from. Your search history remains stored in the application. The application then creates a clear visual overview that helps you compare each new wine you look up with wines you’ve already searched for within the same category in the past.
You can also view other users’ comments, rate the wine yourself, or find out what foods the wine you’re looking at will pair best with. In addition, it’s possible to display a ranked list of the popularity of wines within a specific price range. The application is available for iOS and Android.

Are you going to participate in a competitive wine tasting event? Use the handy Wine Rating App
Do you enjoy taking part in wine competitions? With the Wine Rating App, you can easily evaluate samples according to a 100-point scale without the necessity of having paper and a pencil at hand. After evaluating the appearance, aroma, taste, and overall impression from individual samples the app then ranks them itself. You are therefore spared the necessity of counting anything up and you can dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to tasting. Another advantage is the results can be exported and shared with your friends. You can download the application into your Android telephone.
Did you know that … ? The 100-point assessment system is the most frequently used type in amateur and professional wine competitions. Read about how to do a wine tasting properly here.
With the Wine notes application you’ll never forget any of your favorite wines
The Wine Notes application functions as a tasting diary, which is something every lover of good wine will appreciate. After a quick registration, you can add any information to the wines you’ve tasted that might be useful in the future. You can store the name of the wine, its type, the country it comes from, its appellation, or the percent of alcohol it contains. Naturally, you can also include your own evaluation and date when you tasted it. This app is available for download from Google Play.
Have you chosen a favorite among these applications? Come try it out using one of the wines from our selection.
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