4 reasons to drink vintage wine

Have you ever tasted a quality vintage wine? In today’s article we’ll reveal why you should acquire some vintage bottles for your wine collection, and how a longer maturation process influences these wines’taste. Did you know that you can even mature an vintage bottle yourself?
1. The main reason to try an vintage wine is its harmonious taste
The taste of vintage wines is significantly influenced by tertiary flavors. These arise through chemical processes that take between sugars, acids, and phenolic compounds. But in order for this reaction to take place, the wine has to mature for some time in its bottle.
Maturation causes the wine to become softer and to lose some of its acidity. Thus, it is less astringent and its flavor is perfectly harmonized. Tertiary tones wonderfully complement the other ones present in the wine and every sip surprises you with new taste discoveries.

Have you ever heard of a wine having truffle tones or the scent of mycelium? Wine can boast of these thanks to tertiary flavors.
Tip: In order to recognize all these flavors it’s important to serve the wine at the correct temperature. But what is it? Find out in our article about the correct temperature for serving wine.
2. Vintage wine contains more beneficial substances
Unfortunately, we don’t have the recipe for an elixir of eternal youth, but take a look at the beneficial substances contained in quality wines.
- Quality white wine contains catalase. This is an enzyme that protects human cells from aging. It is even said to reduce the greying of one’s hair!
- It’s claimed that red wine contain a lot of plant antioxidants. These help lower cholesterol and have a positive influence on blood circulation.
- If you love bubbles, give your health a boost with moderate consumption of Champagne wine. It contains caffeic acid, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
However, always bear in mind that excessive consumption of alcohol is incompatible with a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, “moderation in all things” is still the key, even with wine.
3. Vintage wines are made from quality grapes
You can count on vintage wines being made from quality grapes. The grapes for ordinary wines are harvested using machines, and they’re shaken from their vines. Perhaps you’ll guess that this technology isn’t a very gentle way to harvest them – and the grapes can be damaged. This then has a significant influence on the wine they’re turned into. By contrast, a winemaker who harvests grapes by hand carefully trims the vines and sorts the grapes – and pitilessly discards any bad ones.

4. Want to understand wines? Drink vintage ones
Getting acquainted with vintage wines is like learning any new skill. At first you fumble a bit and don’t really know what to do. You try, find out, and make mistakes. So take your lessons from a master! Pick up a set of quality wines intended for archiving and arm yourself with patience for a few years. Open your wines gradually, and evaluate how time has changed their taste. You’ll thus recognize a single wine in every phase of its development. In order to recall your impressions later, try one of the applications for wine lovers.
Tip: Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Use bottles of wine intended for archiving as an interesting investment product. While your wines mature undisturbed, their value grows. Just don’t forget to fulfill the conditions wine requires for successful maturation.
Even the Gospel of St. Luke says: “And no one who drinks old wine wants the new, for they say ‘The old is better.’” Find out for yourself if it’s true by trying a wine from our selection of vintage wines.
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